As discussed in previous tutorials, logical regions (often just called regions) are unlike arrays in a language like C, in that they are not mapped to a fixed memory location over their entire lifetime. Instead they are mapped to zero or more physical regions (often called instances), and may move between these instances over the duration of the program. Instances may be located on different nodes in a distributed machine, in different heterogeneous memories (CPU memory, GPU memory, etc.), or may even be stored in different memory layouts (struct-of-arrays vs array-of-structs, etc.).
For the most part, users of Regent need not be aware of the precise mapping from logical to physical instances, as this is managed by Regent on behalf of the use. In fact, we already saw physical regions in use in the previous tutorial. Any time a task accesses the contents of a region (via @
, .
or r[...]
), Regent ensures that a physical region is available on the local processor to support the access. While this is mostly seamless in Regent, it has performance implications that can be important.
In this example, we will consider when regions need to be mapped to instances (i.e., what parts of a program require a region to be mapped), and largely ignore the question of where (i.e., to what memories) regions are mapped. The latter is the domain of mapping in Regent, and will be the subject of a future tutorial.
With one caveat, regions need not be initially mapped at all. That is, the following code will not cause the program to fail with an out of memory error, even if size_of_the_universe
is very large.
var r = region(ispace(int1d, size_of_the_universe), int)
This property is very important, because it is common and desirable to use Regent on distributed machines where no single memory may be large enough to fit all of the data in the program.
This example also demonstrates a core principle of idiomatic Regent programming: generally speaking, even if the data will eventually be distributed (and may even be too large to fit in any single memory), it is still best to create a single region that contains all of it. Such a region can then be partitioned into smaller pieces that will be directly used in the program. Partitioning, as mentioned previously, is the subject of a future tutorial.
There is, however, a caveat: Regent allocates a region in memory if it believes it may be accessed within a task. That means that if the code above is followed by something like:
r[0] = 123
Then Regent will attempt to allocate the region, causing an out of memory failure (since it does not actually fit in memory).
As noted above, accessing the contents of a region causes it to be mapped. For the most part, this happens automatically and users don’t need to be concerned with when and how it happens. There, however, some performance consequences to be considered.
If a region is accessed anywhere in a task, Regent needs it to be available everywhere in the task. This means, in the example below, the region r
is mapped at the point where it is created, even though it will not be used until later on in the task.
var r = region(...) -- region is mapped here ...
r[0] = 123 -- even though the access happens here
Mapping a region is a blocking operation. That means some_task
and other_task
in the code example may not run in parallel, despite the fact that neither one refers to r
, because the creation of r
blocks until the mapping is completed.
When Regent launches a task, all regions are mapped prior to the beginning of the execution of the task. This ensures that the task will not waste processor cycles waiting on the mapping to be complete, because mapping is performed prior to starting the task execution.
There is one exception: if the task accesses no regions at all, the task can be considered an inner task. This is most commonly used in tasks that launch other tasks (e.g., as is often true of main
). Because Regent knows the task will never access any region data, none of the regions need to be mapped, either prior to the start of the task, or when regions are created by the task itself.
Reusing the code example from above, if this were run in an inner task, some_task
and other_task
would be able to run in parallel, because the region creation no longer blocks on the inline mapping.
var r = region(...) -- no mapping is performed because it's an inner task
-- r[0] = 123 -- ERROR: this is now illegal to do in an inner task
Regent identifies inner tasks automatically. As with index launches, users who wish to confirm that tasks are being marked as inner can do so with the annotation __demand(__inner)
task main()
This is often considered a best practice with the main task, where in most cases it is desirable to ensure that main
doesn’t accidentally access any regions (and therefore cause out of memory errors when scaling the code).
As noted above, mapping a region forces the task to block until the memory allocation is completed. Blocking is also required whenever a subtask modifies a region which the parent task is going to access. For example:
some_task(r) -- writes to r
-- program blocks here to ensure that r is available for the loop below
for i in r do
format.println("r[{}] = {}", i, r[i])
This is usually considered bad style in Regent. It would be better to move the println
loop into a task, so that the parent doesn’t need to block between some_task
and the code that reads the region. Of course, the reading task will still be blocked on the completion of some_task
, but at least no unrelated tasks need to be blocked in this case.
This can also be mitigated by maintaining __demand(__inner)
on the main task (and any other tasks that call subtasks).
From this point onward, we’re going to be taking a look at a DAXPY example code. This builds on features described in the last couple of tutorials, so we won’t spend much more time considering the code in detail. The full code is listed below.
For the first version, we’ll write this code without the use of tasks. Tasks that take regions—and actually access them—require privileges, the subject of the next tutorial. Until then, we just write the loops directly into the main task. The accesses to regions use the r[...]
syntax described earlier. This means that the implementation here will be sequential—there won’t be any parallelism, because there aren’t any tasks. We’ll get around to fixing that in a future tutorial.
The only additional feature to note here is that Regent can call arbitrary C functions. Here, we’re calling drand48
from the C header stdlib.h
. These libc headers are so commonly used in Regent that regentlib.c
is provided to offer them by default. Additional headers can be included into the code by calling terralib.includec("header_name.h")
(not shown).
import "regent"
local c = regentlib.c
fspace input {
x : double,
y : double,
fspace output {
z : double,
task main()
var num_elements = 1024
var is = ispace(int1d, num_elements)
var input_lr = region(is, input)
var output_lr = region(is, output)
for i in is do
input_lr[i].x = c.drand48()
input_lr[i].y = c.drand48()
var alpha = c.drand48()
for i in is do
output_lr[i].z = alpha*input_lr[i].x + input_lr[i].y
for i in is do
var expected = alpha*input_lr[i].x + input_lr[i].y
var received = output_lr[i].z
regentlib.assert(expected == received, "check failed")
Continue to the next tutorial to see how privileges are used to provide access to regions inside of tasks.